Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top 15 Movies (In our book)

For all those bored people out there who are too lazy to get off the couch, here are the best movies to enjoy!

1. The Avengers (Your favorite Marvel Super heroes – Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, and Captain America – beat up Loki... again)
2. Wreck-It Ralph  (Extreme gamers only)
3. The Lion King  (Little kitty cat learns to survive the wild... and a meerkat)
4. Life of Pi (Kitty, don`t bite me! I don`t really taste like pie!)
5. Rio (The rotisserie learns to fly)
6. Toy Story (Playmate apocalypse... will we survive?)
7. Les Miserable (No joke... great movie)
8. She`s The Man (Gender-change... for soccer???)
9. Ice Age: The Meltdown (Darn global warming!)
10. The Blind Side (Guaranteed to make you ask, "Who brought the onions?")
11. Finding Nemo (Don`t keep swimming; you`ll drown)
12. The Dark Knight Rises (Bat + Cat = Gotham City Romance)
13. Catching Fire!!! (The odds may not be in YOUR favor but they're definitely in mine!!!)LH movie
14. The Last Song (May cause depression and crying for men, women, children, and llamas)LH
15. Despicable Me 1 and 2 (Who doesn't love pointy nosed men and strange monsters in a house with children?)